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The Unité permanente anticorruption (UPAC), created by the Gouvernement du Québec on February 18, 2011, is a group of public agencies under the responsibility of the office of the Anti-Corruption Commissioner, which coordinates and directs the resources and experts in place within the government to fight corruption.

UPAC acts on three separate fronts to prevent, audit and investigate corruption.

UPAC’s specific mandates include:

  • detecting and prosecuting, in a concerted manner, the various offences associated with corruption, collusion, and fraud in the awarding and performance of public contracts through criminal, penal, and administrative investigations, and through the enforcement of various legal provisions to seize, freeze, and confiscate the property and assets associated with these activities and to issue notices of assessment for them;
  • preventing collusion and fraud, in particular in the awarding and performance of public contracts, through audits and investigations;
  • collecting, compiling, and analyzing information about suspected or proven cases of corruption, influence peddling, collusion, or any other related matter;
  • ensuring the government departments and agencies concerned share their expertise and information.




Do you want to disclose an act of corruption? Click here.

Telephone: 1 844 541-UPAC (8722)


Do you want to contact us for another reason? Click here.

Protégeons le Québec de la corruption


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